Welcome to my website. navigate to different content with the COOL ASS collapsible folder nav system i made to the left!
this site is very much so NOT for mobile!! It is best compatible with chromium browsers. Maybe one day i'll add compatibility, but that day will certainly not be soon
I go by a couple names, both online and in real life. In most spaces, you'll know me by "Tea", followed by some number in close proximity to 332. the reason for this proximity, instead of actually using the number, is because i am stupid and used to forget account passwords all the time, meaning i would have to choose a different username. Alternatively, you may see me go by janNoja in some places. this is my name in a cool language which you should totally learn.
Speaking of which, sina wile ala wile lukin e lipu ni lon toki pona? wile la, o pilin e nena pi sitelen pona lon sewi. Don't know what this means? use the navivation box to go to interests -> toki pona.
-Cool sites-----------------
Dirt.coolvery neat site made by a good friend of mine. warning btw it may brick your device if its low-end / mobile. i realize i subconsciously kind of ripped the fuck out of her layout but she said its ay-ok and such

cool toki pona site. I used this site's sitelen pona font tutorial for my site!
-About me-------------------
place of residence | Texas, USA |
place of birth | the Netherlands |
age | 16 |
Fav colour | Purple |
Fav food | stromboli |
Fav band | glass beach |
Fav game | TLOZ: wind waker |
-Contact me-----------------
My discord username is jannoja. Im willing to chat if you are, so feel free to dm about anything.
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| glass beach |
| TLOZ: wind waker |
I've found i really appreciate more non-formulaic sites. In the sense that each page has its own unique layout. It leaves a lot more room for creativity and customizablity. Maybe i'll try to shift my site to match this eventually, idk.
The more i use this site, the more i realize how kind of terrible common social media interactions with strangers are usually. popular comment sections on instagram, for instance, are always riddled with just the worst unending spouts of hatred and directionless arguing. Maybe its just because im quick to rise to any opposition, but i find myself often engaging and becoming stuck in mind-numbingly cyclic discussions that so very often quickly devolve. The people you interact with and surround yourself with will have subtle but unavoidable subconscious impacts on your general philosophies and way of thinking, and i've realised that through my interaction with said communities, i, as an entire person have changed at least a little to become more irritable and quick to anger. i really, really, really do not like that but im glad i can recognized that it had happened. i suppose i should go about attempting to reverse this. tbh i think spending some time on neocities has really improved this, and brought to light the issue in the first place. Without an all-knowing cruddy algorithm to pump more controversial, engagement-farming slop onto your plate, you can focus a lot more on the social part of social media by branching out and meeting new webmasters simply through the grapevine.
First blog post! huzzah. as of writing, this site is still prety unfinished, but i'd like to have some amount of content to go on here in the first place in addition to a neat layout. Anyways, I made this site in response to a plethora of factors, primarily and a general apreciation for computers, networks and all such things
I'm not entirely certain how i'll end up using this blog, but as of now i plan on it being a mind-dump of sorts where i can spew all the unrefined slop out of my brain. Home to things i dont mind people knowing, but i woudnt go out of my way to let them know. I'd like to write some more refined stuff too though. you'll probobally be able to see those somewhere in the "my junk" folder.
I'm conflicted on how much to include on this website. On one hand, it's really fun to write a bajilion pages about my many interests, but on the other it clutters everything. I'll probobally go with the former though because minimalism is smelly.
On a final note, i think ill keep these posts organized by month in the nav menu, and seperated by day in the content itself because i'd like to make quick updates here and there without entirely filling up the nav menu.
First september post, hello all! Work on the site has slowed a bit because i'm occupied with quite a few things. I've been busy with school for a bit, and an overwhelming majority of my free time is spent with friends or work. I will be attending my first non-classical concert soon with some friends, which should be wicked goated (green day + smashing pumpkins).
I've come to realize i'm not going to update my site nearly as often as i had first intended to. After finishing all my schoolwork, anything that requires any sort of critical thought is just about the last thing i'd like to do. big bummer. I will continue to infrequently add content, however.
I've been playing a lot of bass guitar as of recent. Picking it up has made me realize how much passion i lacked for my other instrument, cello. I've been getting pretty alright at it i think, and in a month or so i have an oppurtunity to play at an open jam session. Hopefully i'm good enough to keep a consisten groove.
Thanksgiving break is mere hours away as of writing this. Oddly enough, i am nearly entirely indiferent, while a younger me would have been ecstatically staring at the clock. Sure, time off is nice, but what am i really going to do with that time? I would have been perfectly content lying around consuming content, wasting away for the week a year or so ago, but doing that now is grossly unapealling. Case in point, i really want to produce something meaningful. Actually, i just want to produce things in general, As vague as that may be. I've fucked around with blender and FL studio a bit. Maybe i can make a habit of it.
Music is such a beautifully human thing. A good portion of my music taste is derrived from good friends of mine, and much of their taste is derrived of mine. I can envision a time in some several decades in which i uncover an old playlist and reminisce on my old friends. i'd imagine they'd do the same.
My thoughts regarding the toki pona community are rather mixed. I want to preface this by saying that everyone i have met is wonderful. They are simply by far some of the most proactive, determined, and accepting people i have had the pleasure of encountering to date. The issues i have experienced are the fault of solely me. Firstly, i know fuckall about making online friends! I have tried here and there but it just never sticks. It's not like i'm totally asocial or anyhing; ive got plenty of IRL friends. Second, pretty much everyone is some ancient polymath knowledge guru. Again, that's cool asf, HOWEVER, it does not help my attempts to interact with conversations when i understand fuckall about what people are talking about (which is like half the time). Obviously the field of linguistics is going to bring in some pretty brainy people, and i doubt anyone who fluently speaks a conlang isnt at least a little nerdy. In relation, i've got some pretty piss-poor brains knocking around up there.
As of recent, my dormant interest in toki pona has been greatly indulged. I am somewhat active in the community, and have achieved what i believe to be some level of fluency. Linguistics is such an awe-inspiring field to me. I reminisce on my old perspective on language, in which i thought other languages were just some sort of code, replacing English words 1 to 1 (mind you i was a young child at the time). Languages hold such inexplicable intricacy and uniqueness. Particularly, i have been interested in the likes of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. For any who may be unaware, the hypothesis describes that one's cognitive methods and limitations (only in classical / hard Whorfanism) are in some part influenced by their native / primary language(s). I personally believe new-Whorfanism holds true, which is diferentiated (to my knowledge) by establishing that languages are in no way a hard limit, nor do they influence actual perception of the world, simply cognitive proscesing.
Anyhow, I have been well. I am feeling increased urges to undertake productive tasks, in part insipired by how proactive and hardworking the Toki Pona community i have found to be! I often fall into bouts of overconsumption of media, but the idea of production > consumption has entered my general philosphy (regardless of how inexemplary i am as of now :p )
As for the Jam session mentioned in last month's post, i heavily underestimated how difficult it would be to become competent with jazz theory. who knew! as well, the session is a weekly thing anyway. as of now i go to watch, since it's at a public restaurant. I still enjoy to practice, and hope to play some day. All will occur in due time.
FUCK!!! i work on a lot of my personal projects primarily at school because of the large amounts of downtime. this in turn puts all the files and assets i use on my school issued chromebook. When i came back from thanksgiving break today, it just deleted all of them???? whadafuck???? when i signed in, shit literally told me "ummmm there is an error loggin in , actually. buttt, dont worry! we will still log you in, but just delete ALL of ur shit. hope you dont mind!!! XP". i guess i should have backed them up but still.
I've noticed a very prominent pattern througout much of the indieWeb space. That being an artificial emulation of web 1.0 style. Note that i recognize there is nothing wrong with this style, but i do think many could do better without it. Most causally related to nostalgia and replication of community norms, the style is practically the forefront of the indepenant web movement. Sure, these websites can look really, really cool but i think a hard-set following of this style is an arbitrary, self-imposed limitation. Utilizing the tools provided by CSS2.1+ isn't some rejection of independance by any means. go fucking nuts and don't let anyone control your slice of the internet (including me lmao)! use css animations and transformations and go crazy with layouts. Ultimately, of course, personal websites are a reflection of their webmaster as a whole, so just do whatever.
photos. mi awen pali e lipu ni!

This page contains very minimal spoilers. Avoid if you'd like to go in completely blind.
Homestuck is very difficult to define. it is primarily a webcomic, but mixes in other forms of media like games and music. At its core it follows 4 online friends who play a game together a lot like a mashup of Jumanji and the Sims. They learn to master control over their worlds fundamental aspects of the physical and intangible universe. Homestuck is an incredibly extensive meta-narrative organized within an act structure over the span of 7 years. Andrew Hussie, Homestucks author, begun the work as a sort of forum game, in which he provides exposition on each page followed by a chance for the readers to choose exactly what happens next (later abandoning this structure in favor of self driven narrative). As mentioned earlier, the comic is incredibly meta. Characters have some level of awareness that they are in a story, and there are notable themes of plot-relevance. In addition to this, there are many instances of complicated plot antics including time travel, paradoxical time loops, travel between universes (which have completely unlinked timelines), and a very, very nonlinear style of exposition. Hussie was surprisingly incredibly talented at writing convincing, unique dialogue in a way that gave every character a sense of individualism that i'd argue still goes unmatched. arguably, Homestucks incredibly atypical, convoluted plot is one of its best defining features because it requires genuine thought and analysis from the reader. Moreover, Homestucks unique medium allows an interesting exchange between production value and production quantity. the comic has several distinct styles that Hussie switches between at will (sprite, hero, hussnasty, talksprite).

Hussie chose to depict the scenes in accordance to said scenes impact. less important moments can be conveyed with sprite style just fine, while plot heavy moments may use hero mode or hussnasty far more. Homestucks cultural impact has been immense. an astounding amount of modern popular media is influenced by Homestuck in some way.
For the unanitiated, classpecting is like the sorting hat from harry potter but cool. The new world the kids enter through the game is built upon 12 aspects. Breath, life, light, time, heart, rage, blood, doom, void, space, mind, and hope. These aspects are the fundamental forces that make everything in this world. Every aspect is closely associated with certain themes and symbols that greatly contribute to characterization and definition of personalities. Each character who plays the game is bound to one of these aspects. In addition to aspects, every player is also assigned to 1 of 12 (ignoring master classes) classes. Of which are: Thief, witch, prince, maid, mage, knight, rouge, heir, bard, sylph, seer, and page (also muse and lord if you count master classes). Each class has certain verbiage associated with it, which dictates generally how that character interacts with their aspect. For instance, a seer of light may serve as a guide for their group. The seer class's asociated verb is to know, and the light aspect is asociated with victory, plot relevance, and direction. Combinging the two results in a description like "one who knows victory", the perfect candidate to guide a group. Players personalities are innately tied to their classpect as well as any abilities they may obtain. This personality describing system is surprisingly comprehensive and fleshed out, mostly attributable to the fact that there are 144 different permutations of classes and aspects in total (288 if you count lunar sway, which is a simialarly descriptive system). All this leads to (imo) incredibly entertaining discussions speculating the classpects of people or characters entirely unrelated to homestuck itself. I, for one consider myself an heir of mind. There are plenty of quizes online that do a pretty OK job of identifying the closest match for you, but i 100% prefer self analysis.
-Toki pona li seme?---------
toki pona is an artificially constructed languange, meaning it didn't come forth naturally, and was instead initially created by a single person. Since around october of 2024, I have considered myself an active speaker. The language, drawing inspiration from Daoist philosophy, aims to describe the human experience in as few words as possible; around 130, depending on whether you count unnoficial (but incredibly useful), nimi lili. The language surprisingly effectively functions for practical use, through heavy employment of context and vagueness. Many skeptics, understandably question how on earth the language is able to convey anything past surface level information. This is where extensive use of moddifying adjectives come into play to describe more complex topics through abstaction. As jan Sonja, the languages' inventor puts it, "What is a geologist but a person of rock knowledge?" (jan pi sona kiwen). The language promotes circumlocution and simplicity, and ultimately has been found by many to be surprisingly theraputic.
My absolute favorite toki pona community is the Ma toki pona VR discord server, which has weekly meetups on vrchat. Even after a couple months of attendance, the concept of virtual body language is still incredibly foreign and slightly off putting to me, but i enjoy the meetings nonetheless. If you happen to attend, come say hi to me! my VRchat username is tea333, and i usually use a john egbert avatar
The following text is the Lord's prayer translated into toki pona:
mama pi mi mute o, sina lon sewi kon.
nimi sina li sewi.
ma sina o kama.
jan o pali e wile sina lon sewi kon en lon ma.
o pana e moku pan pi tenpo suno ni tawa mi mute.
o weka e pali ike mi. sama la mi weka e pali ike pi jan ante
o lawa ala e mi tawa ike
o lawa e mi tan ike
tenpo ale la sina jo e ma e wawa e pona
(translated by francisco.translates on lyrictstranslate.com, with minor edits by me)
Lastly, If you are at all interested in this langauge, i deeply implore you to check it out! I used this neat course. From what i can tell, it is widely recognized as one of the best courses there is.
Through whitened fields, I trudge to nowhere. My best friend lives there, who I'll be meeting tonight.
It's an unpleasantly brisk night. a blanket of fog compounds the landscape; dark yet calm clouds reunited with their children.
Across the clearing, I see my friend, and I begin our chat as I go to meet my friend. An expanse of some 20 feet separates my friend and me, yet I never exceed a murmur.
"Hello, friend.
How are you?
I'm feeling quite out of it myself.
So much to do! yknow?"
I approach my friend's side and I stretch my shoulders.
I think my friend donns an effortlessly empathetic expression. I know my friend understands my plights.
"All this extra work I'm doing now is tough.
But one day I'll get a nice job with a big fat 6-digit number by my name on the payroll.
That's when I can finally start living."
I might as well sit down. I know I'll be here a while. My ass makes contact with the frigid ground, but I don't feel it much; I'm plenty numb by now anyway.
the earthen white compacts where I sit, offering a specially fit chair. I take a deep breath, readying myself for our next topic at hand.
"You're going to die soon.
I'd give you a day or two. At most."
My friend assumes a stare that screams stoic indifference.
"Why don't you care?
What of your future?
You're going to miss out on going to a good school, and landing a respectable job, and eventually affording a home.
Why don't you care in the slightest?
God! What's so intensely captivating your ashen eyes?"
My eyes follow my friend's gaze down to the horizon. I stare. For what feels like hours, and in reality, are hours, I watch, hear, and smell the outspread landscape in front of me.
Far away, a bird triggers a motion-activated streetlight. In the newly illuminated space, I observe specks of white fall from heaven.
Somewhere to my left, a body of water is disturbed. A source of quacks pans slightly forward, away from the splash. Many more follow suit.
Slowly, feeling returns to my frosted cheeks.
A quiet thud emanates right beside me.
I break my stare to finally look back at my friend. Its head lays on the ground near its torso.
To my surprise, crimson iron gushes rhythmically from its frosty neck stump, staining the snow and melting its body.
pain tinges through my limbs and digits; my hands nearing a deep purple with blotches of red.
After a long moment, an ecstatic, grossly coarse confession escapes my throat.
"I live."